BA and MA Projects

  • Linguistic Variation in Classical Hebrew: From Markov Models to Neural Networks
    Y. van der Schans (2019)
    MA Thesis
  • Toward a Distributional Approach to Verb Semantics in Biblical Hebrew: An Experiment With Vector Spaces
    C. A. Kingham (2018), full text
    MA Thesis
  • Praise the Lord! A Perspective on the Psalms and Hillsong Worship Music
    Y. van der Schans (2017)
    BA Thesis
  • Caves of the ETCBC: Exposing and Evaluating the Data Creation Process at the Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer.
    C. A. Kingham (2017)
    MA internship, VU
  • The Rare Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew (critical Evaluation of the Encoding Conventions of the Hebrew Verbal Stems in the Etcbc Database)
    T. Amersfoort (2016 – 2017), full text
    MA internship, Leiden University
  • Do you see what I am talking about? Towards a Topic Visualizer for Syriac Texts
    H. Vlaardingerbroek (2015 – 2016), full text
    Network Institute and Frontwise pilot project
  • Using Social Co-occurrence Networks to Analyze Biblical Narrative
    F. de Vree (2014 – 2015), full text
    MA project Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science, VU
  • Computer-based Recognition of Intertextuality within the Hebrew Bible
    B. Lobbezoo (2014 – 2015), full text
    Internship as part of MA Computer Science, TU Delft