Completed Dissertations
- Readings in the Tiqqune Sopherim: Insights for the Doctrine of Biblical Inspiration in African Evangelicalism
Kingsley Yorgio
Thesis defense: 14 November.

- Who is Who in the Psalms? A Computational Analysis of Participants and Their Networks
Chrisitaan M. Erwich
Thesis defense: 7 January. [full text]

- Roles and Relations in Biblical Law A Study of Participant Tracking, Semantic Roles, and Social Networks in Leviticus 17–26
Christian Canu HøjgaardThesis defense: 8 July (cum laude) [full text]

- Dynamics of Prophetic Interpretation: An Analysis of the Historicist Reading of Daniel 8 by Martin Luther, Isaac Newton, William Miller, And Ellen White
J.H. (Jón) Stefánsson
Thesis defence: 15 December. [full text]

- Investigating the Text-hierarchical Structures and Composition of Numbers
Jin Gyu Sang.Thesis defence: 21 December. [full text]

- Syntactic Variation in Clause Structure in Biblical Hebrew
M. NaaijerThesis defence: 1 December (cum laude) [full text]

- Translating Zephaniah in Context: A Study of Hebrew and Jusu Rhetorical Discourse Analysis
B. R. WillitsThesis defence: 13 May, full text.

- Prosodic Influence on the Text Syntax of Lamentations.
H. J. BosmanThesis defence: 29 May, full text.

- A Nova Aliança Em Tempos De Juízo. Uma visão aplicada da mensagem de Jeremias (Jeremiah: The New Covenant for life in a context of Judgment)
K. H. Kepler (EST Colleges, Brasil; research stay at ETCBC 2017-2018)Thesis defence: 24 July, full text.

- Participants, Roles and Characters. A Literary, Text-Syntactical and Cultural-Anthropological Study of Genesis 26:34–28:22
C. N. ChebinehThesis defense: 10 April, full text.

- The Art of Biblical Performance: Performance Criticism and the Genre of the Biblical Narratives
T. M. WestThesis defense: 29 May, full text.

- Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Poetry: Poetic Freedom or Linguistic System?
G. J. KalkmanThesis defence: 21 September, full text.

- The Self-Enclosing God. John Chrysostom and Ephrem Syrus on Divine Self-Limitation as Gift of Love in Genesis 1–3
R. HuntThesis defence: 14 December, full text.

Ongoing PhD Projects
There are about 20 PhD students doing a PhD at the ETCBC. The list below is restricted to those whose proposals have been approved by the Board of Professors of the Faculty of Religion and Theology.
- Syntactic Variation in Non-Verbal Phrase Structure in Biblical Hebrew
M. Kaajan

- Verbal Valence in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Syntactic Variation and Linguistic Change
F. P. Siebesma-Mannens

- Discourse in the Book of Ezekiel: Reading the Text from a Non-Linear Approach
B. Kronemeijer-Heyink

- The Character of God’s Judgement in the Extermination of the Canaanites through the Case of the Gibeonites
Jack Kawira

- Worship in the Book of Exodus: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of עָבָד in the Context of God’s Revelation to Israel
Zeseat Fekadu