by Willem van Peursen | Sep 27, 2023 | AI, Digital Approaches to Sacred Texts, events, linguistics, news, Social Media
Live-mapping Religious Difference Online The interplay of Digital Society, religious texts mediated online, and live-mapping What is the feasibility of live-mapping the differential use of religious texts in social media to identify religious issues present across...
by Mathias Coeckelbergs | Sep 29, 2022 | AI, Bible, Digital Approaches to Sacred Texts, Hebrew Bible, linguistics, Peshitta, semantics, text linguistics
In this third and final blogpost for the PaTraCoSy project (for the previous blogposts, click here or here), we delve deeper into the possibilities of the Colibri Core (CC) infrastructure to study the translation patterns between Hebrew and Syriac versions of the...
by Willem van Peursen | Jul 4, 2022 | AI, Computational Linguistics, Hebrew Bible, linguistics, methodology
Willem van Peursen, Martijn Naaijer, Constantijn Sikkel, Mathias Coeckelbergs[1] “How can we make a Machine Learning (ML) based parser for the morphology of inflectional languages?” This question was the starting point for the project “Morphological Parser for...
by Mathias Coeckelbergs | Jan 21, 2022 | AI, Bible, Computational Linguistics, Hebrew Bible, linguistics, methodology, Open Science, Peshitta, semantics, Syriac, text linguistics
This second blogpost for the PaTraCoSy project brings us to a first discussion of the translation patterns from the Hebrew Bible into the Peshitta. Before we can address the results, we briefly describe how we constructed the model. After installation of Colibri Core,...
by Mathias Coeckelbergs | Sep 20, 2021 | AI, Bible, Computational Linguistics, Hebrew Bible, linguistics, Open Science, Peshitta, semantics, Syriac, Uncategorized
This very first blogpost seeks to report on our advancements in the PaTraCoSy (PAtterns in TRAnslation: Using COlibriCore for the Hebrew Bible corpus and its SYriac translation) project, which is funded by CLARIAH. The overall goal of this project is to use the...
by Christian Canu Højgaard | Jul 7, 2021 | Bible, Computational Linguistics, Hebrew Bible, linguistics, methodology, semantics, Social Network Analysis, Text-Fabric
The Mosaic laws of the Torah are quite unusual, embedded as they are in the narrative of the Torah. Thus, they are not only commands and prohibitions but relate intrinsically to the grand storyline of Torah extending from creation to the impending conquest of...